The story of how Roger and I got together started way before we even met. It starts with me meeting another man and falling competely in love with Him first!
In the spring of 2007 I was living out in sin and on my way straight to hell. Then suddenly life as I knew it basically fell apart and I had no idea how to even begin putting my life back together. So after talking with my mom I decided I would go to church with her for a few services and I talked with my older brother who is a preacher for advice. The only advice he had for me was that if I wanted God to do a work in my life, then I needed to come to every service the church had for at least 2 months and if in that time God didn't do something in my life then I could quit church and go back to the way I was living. So I took his advice and for about the next 2 months I was at church every time the doors were open & wow did God move in my life! Listening to my Pastor preach was amazing, for the first time in my life I experienced old time religion and conviction in my life. For the first time in my life I realized that I needed to be saved! So on July 15, 2007 I went down to an old fashioned alter and Jesus saved my soul! From that moment on I have never been the same, Jesus saved me and changed my direction and everything about me. I am so thankful for God's grace and mercy on me!
Now here is where Roger enters the picture. Roger had been praying for a wife for many years but that prayer had never been answered. Now instantly once I got saved everyone in our church was trying to get us together, and I don't know how but once I was introduced to him I just knew that one day we would be married, Roger needed some convincing from God though, he just wanted to make sure that I was God's will for his life. So he did take me out a few times but I really didn't think Roger was interested in me at all from the way he was acting. That was until the annual old time tent revival that our whole church went to all the way down in Jacksonville, Florida. Roger went down a few days early and began to pray and ask God if he was supposed to marry me. By the middle of the week he started to ask me to hang out and I noticed he seemed much more interested now. From that week on we have been inseparable. We fell in love pretty quickly and Roger finally told me that during that week in Florida God gave him the confirmation that he needed that we were supposed to get married, all I could say was, it's about time you realized this!
So from the Florida meeting in late October we began dating. By Thanksgiving we were officially boyfriend and girlfriend, and on December 21st, 2007 Roger proposed! We were married on June 7th, 2008. Looking back I am so thankful God butted into my life and changed my direction, He has truly blessed me!